
Monday, November 21, 2011

Gifts for Nana's, Grandma's, Gramma's, Grammy's...

This week for our 12 Weeks of Christmas Gifts....
The gift is for Nana's, Grandma's, Gramma's, Grammy's...!
Visit HERE to see past and upcoming Gift ideas.

And please visit HERE to view the gifts we have already posted!

Don't forget to grab the Christmas Gifts Button in the sidebar!!!

Ruler Growth Chart
I LOVE Pinterest! As I am sure most of you do. Thanks Jamie for introducing me. I love you for that! ;-) Anyway... I find so many great ideas on there. My mom is on Pinterest too and we both saw the Ruler Growth Chart! Have you seen it? So cute! Well, she said that is what she wanted for Christmas! (Hi, Mom! I know you're reading this! Surprise! You're getting your Ruler Growth Chart. Don't forget to act surprised when I give it to you. Ha! Ha!) Sorry just had to throw that in. I can't hide gifts anymore from her, she reads my blog. LOL

Here's a Pic of the one I love, found on Pinterest! I am not revealing the one we are making just yet! Gotta keep some surprise going for my momma!
I love that my mom will be able to record all the family's heights in one place! That is moveable! It's not just for parents anymore! Grandparents love measuring all their kiddos and grandkiddos too!
We have ours on a door frame and can't wait to transfer it over to one of these. And if we ever move, it will easily go with us!

How to make it!

You will need...
a 1x8x6 fence board (no cutting needed)
wood stain
black paint pen
measuring tape
sander (if desired)

Start by staining your board. I like darker, so a walnut stain is nice. Put on a couple coats until you get the look you want. Use a rag to wipe off excess stain. Let it dry for at least 4 hours.

Next, using your ruler, mark out your line measurements. Mark them with a pencil then write over them with your Black Paint Pen.

Next I printed out numbers in the font I liked. I sized them according to my board (220 font size) and printed them out. Cut them out and trace around with pencil on the board. Then just fill in with your paint pen.

After all the paint is dry, spray the entire board with a clear finish spray to protect the stain and paint. 

Now you can start measuring and adding kids names. Have fun!


  1. My good friend made me one of these two years ago for Christmas and I love it. Love that I can move it with me...unlike the door frame we used to use.

  2. such a cute idea!


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