While the weather has been pretty nice lately we still get stuck inside sometimes. Some days it's a little too hot and humid to spend all day outside, some days we've gotta wait for the wee one to wake from her nap before any loud play, or outside play. Some days it's raining and we need to get our minds working on something other than "how to beat up your sibling without them crying". Enter play dough. My kids love to play with play dough but they often mix the colors (which bothers me and I don't know why) and they often don't get the lids on tight so everything dries up so quickly. While play dough is not expensive it's even more fun to make your own. I've looked for so many homemade play dough recipes and tried a few but none as easy or as fun as the kool-aid play dough. My friend Rachael sent me the recipe and I can't believe how long I waited to actually make it...we were probably busy playing outside or something...
So here's the easiest (no cooking involved) play-doh recipe you'll ever found that smells INCREDIBLE!!!
Kool-Aid Play dough
2 Cups of flour
1/2 cup of salt
3T cooking oil (I use vegetable)
1 pkg or KoolAid
1 cup of HOT water
Mix flour salt and oil
Add KoolAid to water and stir
Add Water to dry ingredients
knead mixture until it forms a soft dough (add flour if the dough is sticky)
I had to add about a half cup more of flour. It's not sticky anymore but still kinda flimsy and really squishy, I'm wondering if putting it in the fridge will help with that or if I'll need to add more flour tomorrow?
Store in sealed container in fridge for about a week or 2
And since no post is any good without a photo here's a shot of my little Hannah and I at church while the big kids were at Vacation Bible School.

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