
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Keeping kids safe - free download

Things aren't the same today as they were when we were kids.
SO many things have changed in our society.

It's obviously important that we do everything we can to keep our kids safe.
This is not going to be a long winded post about what you need to do to make them safe.
I'm not an expert. I know the basics. I do my best.
I would be devastated if anything serious happened to one of my kids.

There are many things out there to help keep kids safe,
from safety proofing your home, to labeling your kids shoes,
(kid nappers don't usually change the child's shoes)
to the great C.H.A.D. car seat stickers
(if you live in San Antonio and would like one we have a bunch at our church)
and I have created my own version of a child id card
(from looking at other id cards), that I am giving to you to use also (if you want).

I made two copies of each kids card so that Greg and I can each carry one.
I should have made another set to leave at home for babysitters.

The file that you can download just has black boxes, you'll just have
to print out a photo of your child and attach it to the card.

The front and back files did not match exactly so I printed them separately,
but I'm sure once you download the file you can fix that in Word
if you know how to do that, I don't really know how so I didn't worry about it.

Use kid safe ink and get their thumb prints.
I'm pretty sure that you don't need to do thumb prints on children under 2,
because their thumb print is not really "permanent" before 2.
But check with your local authorities on that one because I've been known to be wrong!

Fill out all the information, either before you print the cards,
or just write the info in after you've printed them.
Laminate the cards...or use contact paper or something similar.

Then cut the laminated cards and you're all set to put them in your wallet.

You can download the file for these ID cards here.
And if you'd be so kind to leave a comment if you download that would be AWESOME!

Also check with your insurance company, sometimes they have child id kits for free!
What is the most important thing for you in keeping your kids safe?

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