What you will need....
- Freezer bag
- 6-8 charcoal briquettes
- hammer
- small bowl
- distilled water
- Pyrex glass bowl or pie plate
- Jar with airtight lid (canning jars are perfect)
- 1 c of ammonia
- 1 c and 2 tbsp of non-iodized salt
- 1 1/2 c laundry bluing
- Food coloring

Step 2 - Using your air tight jar, combine ammonia, salt and laundry bluing. Mix well. Pour half of that mixture over your briquettes and then cover you jar with air tight lid. until you need it again.
Step 3 - Scatter drops of food coloring over the briquettes. Then sprinkle Salt over also.
Step 4 - Set your project aside in a safe place (away from young children and pets). Check it every day to see the growth process. When the bottom of your bowl becomes dry, add a little more of your ammonia mixture. But remember to shake up mixture before adding. The settled mix will not work as well. Do not pour over the crystal they are fragile. Just add to the bottom of your dish.
GROWN-UPS.... The mixture, which contains dissolved salt, is drawn up through the pores in the briquettes and evaporates, leaving behind layer upon layer of salt-crystal formations. This process continues until all the liquid evaporates. The colors come from the liquid absorbing the drops of food coloring on its way up.
This is nice to know because little ones may ask questions like How does this work. Now you know and you can act like you knew all along. LOL
Have fun and please share your Crystal Gardens with us. Email pictures to trendytreehouse@me.com
OMGOSH..what an amazing project for Chaz and I to do at home. This is a great way for them to learn about how crystals grow in caves too. Thank you soooo much for sharing this!!!
That looks beautiful...awesome project!