I've been having so much fun sewing lately! I'm almost done with the girls Easter dresses. Hannah's dress is finished. Naomi's needs a hem, the lining hand sewn and buttons added. And I just started Abi's dress. Hannah loves to sit next to me and watch me sew. She loves to watch the needle go up and down. I tell her to watch and make sure it keeps going up and down...mostly to keep her busy and away from trouble. She likes to stick anything she can under my needle so I've really got to keep an eye on that little lady.
I love being able to make clothes for my kids...it is SO rewarding to see them wearing something that I made. I love it even more when they love the dresses I make for them. I'm not a great seamstress but I can get the job done. My dresses can hold up in the wash and to daily wear...yes it would be nice to have a serger for the seams but I make what I have work!! And lately, Naomi has been wearing old dresses that I've made for her and it makes me smile every time. Yes, it's good for my ego!
I also like to be able to help my family out a little bit with spending money or money for some of the bills so I love being able to sell some of the dresses I make. I asked Hannah to model two of the dresses for me and had to keep reminding her that these were not for her to keep. I don't think she understood because every time she sees one of those dresses she says "hannah's dress". Well, when it's not hanging in her closet I think she'll understand. I do hope to make more for her for this summer. My plan is to let her run around in pillowcase dresses while potty training just to make life easier! Here are some of my favorite photos from the little "product photo sessions." I would have taken her outside to do these but it's been kind of chilly lately!

Size 2T/3T - $25 plus s/h
Size 3T/4T with ties that can go to the front or back - $25 plus s/h

Here is Hannah's dress all finished!!
Naomi's dress is almost done...

Now I wish I had a little lady to dress! Those dresses are amazing!