Announcement....We will be starting a {fix-myphoto fridays} Starting next Friday. Each week we will share a photo in our FLICKR account that you can grab and fix. Then come by on Fridays to post your FIX. This week we have our go grab it HERE. To copy on photo, actions, view all sizes, right click on original size and save.
Rules for posting at {fix-myphoto fridays}....please list how you fixed this photo. What program you used and the steps taken. There will b no prizes for this link just a great day to learn about photography and maybe to see your photo get fixed.
One prize will be given to the person who lent us their photo for fixing...they will get the option to pick their favorite fixed photo and receive a high res. copy for printing. And the winning fixer will get bragging rights! LOL Maybe we will make up a winning button. I'll keep you posted on that.
If you have a photo you would like to enter into the {fix-myphoto fridays} you can email it to
Our theme this week was "COLLAGE"
Our #1 pick goes to....
{Cornflower Ranch}
Spiders are icky but wow they sure are beautiful to photograph. Great Shots!
#2 - Captivus
#3 - DASH Photography