If you are anything like me you are looking forward to the start of school. Each phase of time holds many great memories, new discoveries, learning adventures and growing physically, mentally and spiritually. I wasn't really looking forward to the school year ending in May but as the summer started I was very excited to have that unscheduled time with my kids. We had a great and busy summer filled with TONS of fun times and also some "boring" days. I'm at the point now though where I am excited about school starting again. I am excited for a little more structure. I am excited for my kids to learn new things, make new discoveries and for them to get to spend more time with their friends.
With that excitement comes some relief, timidity, and nervousness because of some changes that are happening on this home front...namely, me going back to work after not working "for pay" in over 6 years (besides the photography sessions). I will be working as the Director of Afternoons at the school where my kids attend. I am very excited about this opportunity and also a little nervous. I feel that I have no idea what I'm getting myself into and let's face it, I love being a stay-at-home mom (especially during the school year ;)). The good thing is, I will be able to be home with the little girls in the morning and then I'll be at the school with my kids in the afternoons, while the little girls get cared for by my parents. The struggle will be getting home at 5:30 and the rush to get things done before having to go to bed and start all over again the next day. I know that I have a great support system in place and I wouldn't trade that for the world...but I'm just nervous about working outside of my home again. This whole situation has God's hands all over it, from how the job came about to the groundwork that was laid prior to me even knowing I would need to find work. God is good and His provisions are AMAZING!!
So, we'll see how things go. We'll learn as we go. We will learn patience. We will learn how to make tons of crock-pot meals. We will learn to show more grace and love to each other. We will all learn new things about ourselves through this process and we will learn more about God and his faithfulness and love as well.
With summer winding down I am starting to get into my homebody mood, I don't want to go anywhere anymore. I don't want to leave my house or get out of yoga pants! I don't want to be social (just for a little bit) but my kids feel the opposite way. They want to hang out with their friends (who can blame 'em). They want to go out to eat and to the park and they ask everyday where they can go or who they can invite over. I love their desire to be hospitable but I just need a little down time.
One morning this week I decided to try and get some intentional down time and do something with the kids that they've been asking to do but I keep putting off. You know...that project that seems so big or too messy. That thing they keep bugging you to do but you keep saying "not today". Well, I decided to stop saying that and say yes to their pleading. So, I printed some fine art for them to see and got out my paints and some canvas boards. Instead of just letting them paint whatever struck their fancy I wanted to introduce them to some great artists. I started with Van Gogh and plan to do at least one more artist before school starts. I had them "replicate" the famous painting however they wanted too. I tried to not give too much direction or be too critical (which was harder than I hoped it would be). In the end after a rough start we had a good time and the kids learned to appreciate Van Gogh a little bit.
This is a very easy craft / project that you can do with your kids for little to no money. Just find an art piece that you love, print it, get some canvas board and some paint and you're all set. Maybe you're not like me and you don't have a crazy stock pile of canvas boards...just use the inside of a cereal box!! Get a few basic paint colors and you've got yourself a painting party with a little art lesson weaved in! Easy!

Hannah (2.5) and I decided to do Starry Starry Night and Micah (5) and Naomi (6.5) replicated Sunflowers!

They loved doing the paintings but I think they love showing them off even more. They have a little "art gallery" now and are so proud of their work! Project done, esteem boosted!!

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