
Friday, April 29, 2011

Antique Cooking Charts

My mom asked me the other day to get a couple pictures for her blog. She wanted pictures of my Great-Grandmas Hoosier (Isn't it beautiful?) and the Cooking Chart inside the door. I have been wanting to share another chart that I got from my Grandma and thought this was a good opportunity to share them. So now that I have the pictures....I can!
Below is the photo of the Hoosier. I am using it in my new craft room for all the kids art supplies. I love it!
Here is the | Useful Information | (Cooking Chart) that was tacked inside the left door. It has a bunch of really great information that any woman would love to have.
This Chart below is a Microwave Time Chart that I got from my Grandma. She has a larger version. If I remember correctly, this chart was from back in the 70's. It also has a lot of very useful information. My Grandma didn't want to part with hers, understandably, but was happy to let me borrow it for a quick scan. Thank you Grandma. I now have a cool Retro Cooking Chart!
Please feel free to copy these cooking charts and use them as your own.
I would love to see your Cooking Charts. I am kinda starting a collection!
If you have any that you would like to share, can you please share a link or email them to trendytreehouse@me.com

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