
Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Gift Idea

A few weeks back I shared my families favorite Granola Mix. Well for the holidays you can add in some m&m's for color and place them in jars to hand out to family and friends.

So grab a kid to help you mix up this yummy treat....

You will also need...

Festive fabric and ribbons
Canning Jars

And you have a nice treat to hand out to family, friends and even teachers!
Add cute festive tags to make them more personal.

My family is addicted to this mix and begs for more. So I pretty much have this on hand daily at my house. It's so easy to make. Go HERE to see what you need in this mix. But don't forget to add in your favorites too. Like we did with the m&m's in this post.
and please link up your granola mix ideas below in the comment section!


  1. Such pretty fabric! I heart fun gifts like this! I'm off to go find a plastic candy mold so I can make some gifts of my own! woot! =)

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. Great idea! I love the toile fabric too.

  3. Thanks! I found this fabric at JoAnns. It is beautiful. I might save some for myself. LOL

  4. Good Idea...people love a gift like this..
    ta ta for now from Iowa


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