
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Brassy Apple Review & Giveaway

I am very excited today to share with you an amazing shop.... The {Brassy Apple}

I truly enjoy creating unique, eclectic items for women and children and extending my designs to offer patterns and DIY kits for the Do it yourself woman.From my Shaggy Mosaic style jeans, Aprons, skinny scarves and more, I hope you find something unexpected in each piece. Designing with fresh colors and fabrics that are only reproduced a few times keeps things new and original for you and me! 

I was very excited to feature The Brassy Apple with my readers especially since I have been buying Megan's ebooks for the past few months now. LOL My first purchase was her "Shaggy Mosaic Jeans" This is the best project ever. I hat throwing away the girls jeans just because they have holes in them and I hate ugly patches. Megan's tutorial for the "Shaggy Mosaic Jeans" was my saving grace. I can now re-fashion their old jeans into some oh so adorable ones instead of throwing them out!
This pattern and directions were so easy to follow. I had my own masterpiece done in no time. I literally spend all my time just trying to find the right fabric. Don't we all. But actually putting this together is a dream and your lil one will love showing them off. I like that she shows that a mom can wear these too. So all you {Trendy} moms out there.... don't forget to fashion some for yourself!

Another one of my favorites of Megan's is her scarves. She has 20 different styles. Each of her ebooks gives you 10 different designs. So you will definitely find a favorite for each member of your family and friends too. Yep, you will be making these as gifts. I know I am. Christmas, Birthdays, you names it. Anyone would love one of the Brassy Apple Designs. You can choose from The Bunchy Scarf Pattern or The Brassy Neck Scarf Booklet. Both have some pretty fabulous patterns. Trust me you will want both ebooks. And I made my first scarf in about 15 minutes while cooking dinner. LOL Super easy instructions with some cute photos too!

Check out Megan's Video on how to wear your Scarf...

Jamie got some copies of the scarf ebooks from Megan too. Here's what she had to say...

You are going to love this Brassy Apple Neck Scarf eBook. It is FULL of awesome scarf patterns that are wonderfully illustrated and explained. I'm by no means a master seamstress but these patterns look so fun, quick and easy that I can't wait to give them a try. I need to buy some fun fleece and get to work because I've got lots of friends and family that live in cold, snowy climates and I'm pretty sure their necks are begging me to make them a cute scarf...or two! You have to check this eBook out and get sewing! A cold neck will thank you!...or just an averagely warm neck that needs to be cuteified! (I think I just made up two words! ha!) 

Ok, not only is Megan fantastic for her Shop, she has a blog too! The Brassy Apple Blog is just as fun because she shares some really great tutorials there. You will go crazy making out a checklist of off the projects she shares. I already have a huge list.

I found a post today that I added to my list. It's for a {Girl's Rosette Shrug} Re-fashioned from a T-Shirt. Just look at how adorable that is. Your lil girl will love to wear this beauty. I think the rosettes would be cute for lil head bands, clips or pins too!

Another post I loved was Megan's {embellished arm warmers}. I have seen some arm warmers before, but these are above and beyond all others. These are the most creative and adorable arm warmers I have ever seen. I even featured them a couple weeks back. Because I loved them so much, I went straight out and bought what I needed to make some for my girls. They loved them! They wouldn't take them off. My nieces came up that weekend and when we took them to the movies, all 6 girls were wearing them. We got a lot of stares and oh how cute those are. LOL So I know you will love making these for everyone you know! Even yourself! I made myself a pair.

Some exciting new for you....
Megan at The Brassy Apple is giving away {2} scarf ebooks
The two winners get to choose from 1 of the ebooks below. Each ebook has 10 scarf patterns.

How to enter...


Winners will be contacted by email. Megan will be in contact with you about your prize.

    Please Read Below Before Entering....
    You will have until December 16th @ 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard time to enter this giveaway. The winner will be chosen by and announced here. If the winner has provided an email address I will contact you. If you don't provide your email, you will want to check back here and see if you are the winner. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to those living in US, CANADA & AUSTRALIA. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Thanks for entering at Trendy Treehouse. Good Luck and Have Fun!!

    The featured product {s} in this post were provided to me free of charge by the manufacturer or pr company representing the company. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by anyone. By entering this giveaway you agree to Trendy Treehouse Disclaimer/Terms of use


    1. left a comment on her blog - so cute over there!

    2. follower of Trendy Treehouse...

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. I am currently following The Brassy Apple:)

    5. Left her a comment.. her work is awesome:)

    6. I have been following Trendy Treehouse :)

    7. I am a brassy apple follower! Thanks!

    8. I'm a follower of the Brassy Apple!

    9. I follow the Trendy Treehouse!

    10. Shared on Brassy Apple about her amazing scarves!

    11. Now following Brassy Apple

    12. Following Trendy Treehouse

    13. i'm a new follower of the brassy apple

    14. I'm also a follower of trendy treehouse

    15. I've been a lurker at Brassy Apple for a long time, but now I'm a follower.

    16. Oh wow! Thanks for featuring Brassy Apple on your Blog - Love her stuff and I am now following her blog.

    17. Left a comment over at Brassy Apple too for a bonus entry - would L-O-V-E her Bunchy Scarf pattern book.... fingers toes and eyes crossed. :-)


    Thank you for taking the time to leave us a comment. We appreciate every comment and try to reply via email to as many as we can. Have a fantastic day!

    UPDATE...Sorry I had to update my comments to be approved. Spam is now getting through. :(