
Saturday, December 4, 2010


First of all, I wanted to let you know who won the
Kiki's Maternity Fashions $25 giveaway...
Jenn Miyamoto you are the winner!
The company has your email address and will contact you shortly...

It's Advent.
Time to prepare...
our hearts,
our homes,
our lives,
for the coming of Christ.

I wonder how the tradition of Advent calendars got started...
(remind me to google that one when I get a second)
we have a BUNCH of advent calendars in our home
and we're lucky if we remember to do them all each day.
You can read about ALL our advent calendars here.

But my favorite is the advent wreath.
My kids LOVE to blow out candles
so the REAL advent wreath is a huge hit.
But I made a child friendly one last year
(not sure if I'll get around to making another one this year).

You can see a full tutorial here.

Make sure to take time in the middle of all the craziness
to prepare your heart for the REAL meaning of Christmas.
To spend some time with your Savior even now,
before Christmas.

I'm going to go make sure all the advent calendars get changed,
spend a little time preparing my heart...
and celebrating my birthday!
How did I get to be this old already :)


  1. Love the idea of a homemade wreath.

  2. I really need to incorporate something like this into our Christmas tradition. :)


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UPDATE...Sorry I had to update my comments to be approved. Spam is now getting through. :(