
Monday, January 7, 2013

The Elephant Project

So my little one got her new bedding a couple days ago and she was so excited. She loves elephants and when I saw this set, I knew I had to get it for her. As soon as we opened it up it was on her bed and she was all giggles. She had no idea I had ordered it so it was a complete surprise!
And the elephant project has begun! We made a template of an elephant from one of the new pillow shams and started working!
I have to apologize, I don't have a pic of the template or that process, sorry. But we made the template out of card stock and traced it out on scrapbook paper. Cut a bunch of designs out and set them aside. I wasn't sure what patterns I wanted just yet.

Next, I had an old sign that was damaged and decided to use it as my base.
I painted it pink. It did take a few layers because of the original image, but it didn't take too long.
Next, I wanted to add some sort of background to it and grabbed my stamps. Once the paint was dry, I just used the stamp on the whole board not worrying about overlapping.
I played with different patterns and these three were my favorite. Lastly, I just used Mod Podge to seal the elephants on and to give it a nice finish.
One "Elephant Project" down! She helped me pick a place to hang it in her room.  Right by her closet so she could see it when she lays in bed! LOL
What do you think? Cute, right? We think so! I have a few more elephant projects in mind and will be sharing them on here too! I can't wait to finish her room and share the whole room! Slowly getting there. ;)


  1. So cute! I have an elephant bedroom too. A little more "grown up" but I would have loved that bedspread and elephant art as a kid!

  2. Love it! I have been looking for some elephant art for my daughter's room and this is perfect. I really like how you used a sign you already had and made it spectacular.
    New follower!

  3. I just *LOVE* elephants! Love it!!

  4. Too cute! I love the elephants i wish i would have done my daughters room in elephants- I love how you re purposed on old sign to make it!


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