
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Father's Day shirt ideas

5 years ago when Micah was merely 3 months old I started a tradition that at the time I didn't know was a tradition. But the tradition continues...and it's something I love to do. I have been creating shirts for the kids to wear on Father's Day, for 5 years! First let's take a trip down memory lane (maybe giving you some ideas) and then I'll show you what I've made for THIS Father's Day! Each shirt is linked to my original blog post so you can see additional photos!

2012 - I've got an AWesome dad

This years Father's Day is all about beer...seems kinda strange since the kids are the ones "giving" the gifts right? Well, I needed a good excuse to get Greg some of the gifts he's getting and didn't want to wait till Christmas! Since I didn't want the kids wearing some sort of "beer" logoed shirt, I decided to go with root beer, and what better root beer than Greg's favorite A&W. I first saw this A&W idea on Nothing But Country's blog and downloaded the printables last year knowing I'd use them at some point.

Here's a tutorial on how I made the shirts!!!
Step 1: I went to the A&W website and downloaded their logo desktop photo to my computer and then got to work personalizing it. I changed the "since" date, added "dad" to the bottom, used the "esome" from the free printables on the original logo and then added "I've got an". I printed out my new logo and got to work.
Step 2: First I taped the logo to my window and then taped my prewashed fabric right over the logo. I traced the logo with my pencil three times (one for each kid)!

Step 3: I ironed some freezer paper onto the back of the fabric so that the fabric would be more stable while I painted and also so that the paint wouldn't bleed through onto other surfaces.

I used paint that was made for fabric. Yes, you can use acrylic paint (and I have in the past) but it cracks much more easily and it becomes pretty hard on the fabric...but in a pinch it will do. These bottles of paint cost $1.50 each at JoAnn's...

BUT, this four pack of fabric paint cost me 97cents! I could hardly believe it when I saw it and bought two different packs! So I ended up buying 8 colors for less than the price of the two colors I really needed! but don't worry, they will get used!

Step 4: I started painting the fabric pieces and painted the color with the least amount of coverage first. I painted the same color on all three shirts at a time.

Step 5: Paint the gold part of the logo. There was no "gold" so I had to mix colors and come up with one. It's not perfect but it'll do. That's the charm of a homemade gift right?
sorry about the lighting here and color distortion!

Step 6: paint the brown. I didn't do two coats on the brown but probably should have. I did do two coats of paint on the other colors. I just made sure to get really good coverage with the brown the first time!

I'm going to try and go back and erase my pencil lines (I hope it works).

Step 7: I carefully cut out the logo right on the outside dark brown area and then removed the freezer paper.

Step 8: Iron on double sided fusible web
I found that if you put the top piece of paper back over what you are ironing you won't have anything stick to your iron and you won't have to cut anything out...the iron will melt  the areas you don't need.
Step 9: Iron the logo onto my brown t-shirts for the kids. If there are little pieces of the fusible web your iron will just melt them away! You may have to clean your iron when you're done but not a big deal!
Step 10: Sew around the edges of the logo to prevent it from falling off! (I still need to do this step!)
Step 11: Put the shirts on the kids and take cute pictures and surprise daddy at church!
The littlest one wanted to put it on right I obliged and took a few photos...but then she didn't want to take it off!

I can't wait for Greg to see the shirts! I think he's gonna love them. And you better believe I'll have photos to share! I would tell you everything that I've got up my sleeve for Greg but on the off chance that he stops by here before Father's Day I better not...just in case!

I will be having the kids fill out one of these questionnaires about dad! And if you need some more ideas, head over to my pinterest Mother's Day and Father's Day board to see what I've pinned. I'll be sure to share photos of what we ended up doing for Greg's gifts in a week or so. I just wanted to get these shirt photos up in case you're still looking for ideas! Have a great weekend and we'll see ya next week!


  1. Wow, so creative!! Great job, Jamie!

    1. Thanks Steph!! It's just something I LOVE to do!

  2. I hope you are saving those tee shirts so you can make a tee shirt quilt with them after the last child heads off to college.

    1. That's a great idea! I do still have them all. Actually just working on my first t-shirt quilt right now!!


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