
Monday, January 30, 2012

My Pinterest Bucket List

I thought it would be fun to make a "Pinterest Bucket List"

Since I will be hosting a Pinterest Challenge Party every Friday, I wanted to make a list of what is to come. I have many things pinned, just not in any particular order of things I want to make or do. So today I decided to open a new board on my Pinterest page titled "My Pinterest Bucket List"
I will be adding some of my top "to do" PINS on this board. There aren't many on there yet. Trying to sift through some of my thousands of pins. HAHA Yep I said thousands. How many do you have? Once they are made, I will share them here at Trendy Treehouse. Not always on Fridays. I have too many I want to make. ;) So I will be sharing them on random days. Every one I do will have a tutorial on how to make them though. So you can see what I did.

Anyway, go check out my board. I will also be adding this link to my sidebar so you can check out my ever changing list!

I CHALLENGE you to make a Pinterest Bucket List!
If you'd like, please grab the image below to use for your list. 
Just copy the image, add it to your sidebar and link it up to your Pinterest Bucket List.
DON'T share your list with me too. I'd love to see what you have planned to make.
Check out the Pinterest Bucket List Page where you can link up your LIST! You can also find it in my top link bar.

Share this post link with others too, so they can make their own Pinterest Bucket List too!
Do you have anything that you want me to make and share? Something you found on Pinterest that you just can't figure out! Let me know and I'll see what I can do to put up a tutorial for you.


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing your awesome image!

  2. Love all the fun pintrest stuff you are doing. Great idea. I can't wait to play along.

  3. Thanks. It's going to be fun!!! ;0)

  4. I've tried two times to get an invite to Pintrest. Am I doing something wrong. I can't wait to play. :)


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UPDATE...Sorry I had to update my comments to be approved. Spam is now getting through. :(