
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mixing Colors and a call for brides

I was working with Naomi the other day on one of her little pre-school workbooks. Sometimes I plan ahead and get things together for certain activities and sometimes we just wing it. This happened to be a "just wing it" day and it turned out to be lots of fun and a great learning experience.

She was to color some circles and then mix the colors together to see what they would make. The book suggested to make something to physically show her how the colors mix to make new colors. So, I got out two glasses and some food colors. The first time I added too many drops of food coloring, you only need one drop of each to make it work. It's pretty self explanitory as to what we did. She loved watching the colors mix. She asked me to do it twice for each color and wanted to see if it worked the same if I poured the other color in first. It was a great learning experience.

So, I don't think we're going to homeschool...I'm not an organized person and lack follow through. Plus, I'm trying to get my photography business re-launched here in my new city. So, even though I don't think I will homeschool I will always be a teacher at home. Teaching her things about our faith and the way the world works along with her numbers, letters, etc. I am always on the lookout for great homeschooling resources and blogs and am all ears if you want to share any with me!

I am also looking for a few brides to answer a quick (10 question) questionnaire for me about wedding photography websites. You can be newly engaged, recently married or married within the last year, the only thing is I need people who have booked/found their wedding photographers online. If you'd be willing to help me out, send me an email with the word BRIDE in the subject line and I'll send you the questionnaire. (jamie at jtphoto dot org). Thanks for the help in advance.

Are you a photographer who has started over in a new city? I'd love to talk with you about how you made things work and got started over. Would love to start a conversation and share ideas...again, please email me if you're interested in helping me out and talking photography! I will be re-launching my photography business at the end of July! So excited to start taking clients again. Yay!

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