
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trendy Doggie Tutorial

Ok yesterday I was inspired by Elizabeth over at Twelve Crafts till Christmas to get out my sewing machine and make something {CUTE}

So here we have something for the {Trendy Doggie} in your life!

I stopped by Walmart on my way home yesterday from running an errand for hubby and found myself in the pet aisle. Last week we added the adorable {Pennie} to our family. With all my kids in school, I told hubby its a baby or a puppy. He said a baby was easier. LOL Silly boy! He loves Pennie!

So Walmart I found these cute pre-made doggie blankets. One was black with white polka dots and the other was the pink with lighter pink bones. So cute. I was going to just sew those two together but then found myself in the material section. I saw this Zebra print and a cute pink with kitty's print. I knew they would be perfect. I wish there were pink puppies, but I thought the kitty's were cute too! Pennie won't mind. LOL

So to start today I picked the bone and zebra print. It turned out gorgeous.

What you will need....
  • Two pieces of fleece cut to your desired size ( I made mine on the smaller side for my mini-doxie ) But also went by the size of the original bone blanket. Just cut the zebra print accordingly. 
  • Gingerbread Man Template
  • Pins
  • Batting
  • Scissors
  • Thread and your sewing machine

First I trimmed the Pink Bone blanket to get all the finished edges off. It had rounded corners and I wanted square corners. Then I cut The zebra print by laying the pink fleece on top. I cut 1 1/2 inches extra around the whole blanket because I wanted to fold over the zebra print so it would show on the pink side. Giving it a border.

After everything was cut I started pinning it into place. I folded over the zebra print once, then tucked it under itself so there were no raw edges. Pinned it all the way around. Then you just run a straight stitch around the blanket. DONE It was so fast and easy.

As I was pinning the blanket I decided to make a lil toy too! So I printed out a gingerbread man template. Cut out two zebra print pieces, 2 pieces of batting for the inside and ran a straight stitch around it. I didn't care for the unfinished look of the edges. I made this quickly and didn't really do it how I liked. I would normally sew it inside out turn it and finish it. You can do that if you like, but since I didn't....I decided to give it a zig zag finish on the edges. I loved it and it was super fast. Oh but before I forget, I added a little heart to one side of the gingerbread man sides. I sewed it on with a zig zag too before I sewed the whole thing together.

I really {LOVE} how this project turned out. And the colors just make me think of Trendy!!! LOL So there you have it. A Trendy Doggie Tutorial.

If you have some fun Pet Projects...we'd love to see them. Link them up over on our Facebook Page and Upload photos too if you like!


  1. My dog would love this! She is always snuggling into a blanket and we go through toys like crazy bc she loves them to piecese! Literally! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh I'm in LOVE. Those eyes! Oh back to the blanket...adorable! I think I need to do something for my little girl!

  3. Miss Pennie is the cutest thing ever! Love the project idea.


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