
Saturday, October 16, 2010

My little lady

Hello friends!
I am so excited to introduce you to my sweet little lady.
Little Hannah Joy was born on Tuesday.
She weighed 7lbs 5oz and is 20 inches long.

We are so blessed to have her as part of our family.
I was afforded the luxury of some time alone with Hannah
and took the opportunity for her first photo session!

And here are my big kids with sweet little Hannah.
Isn't it crazy how my "little" two year old all of a sudden seems HUGE!!??!!

I'm sure I'll be sharing more photos and stories later,
but for now I need to go cuddle with my sweet little lady.
She won't stay little for very long.

And in case you were wondering...
Angela C from Love Being A Nonny guessed the date and gender correctly!!!
Angela, send me an email with your address and I'll get you your little prize!


  1. She's so cute! Love the picture of your 3 children lying next to each other with their big bro and big sis T-shirts! Totally cute!

    Congrats on your baby! :D

  2. What a gorgeous lil girl Jamie! I Love the photos too! Just look at the proud Big Sissy and Brother. AWE! I am so happy for you!!! Enjoy your sweet sweet girl.

  3. I LOVE THE GUITAR CASE PICTURE~!!!!! So cool!!! Can't wait to try it on this little nugget I am cooking. Congratulations, Hannah is so pretty!

  4. Congratulations on your sweet little girl. Reminds me of all the cuddles when they're I practically have to bribe for hugs! Enjoy your sweet little family and soak in every moment :)

  5. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Congrats! :)

  6. Your baby and captures of your little Hannah are adorable! Congratulations on your new bundle!

  7. Congratulations! She is adorable! I want to touch her soft looking skin!

  8. So precious! Congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    What a beautiful looking bunch of kids!

  9. She's beautiful! Congrats!

  10. She is beautiful, Congrats

  11. What wonderful pictures of a beautiful baby! The big kids are cute too.

  12. Congratulations, love her name and the pictures are beautiful!

  13. congrats, she is just beautiful!! wow, I was WAY off on the date! I think it's funny I guessed girl first and then changed my mind to boy lol

    Makes me really look forward to april when my little one is here :-)

  14. what a little sweetheart! congratulations!

  15. Wow, those are some great shots! She is adorable! Congratulations!

  16. She's beautiful and I love her name! Congratulations!

  17. Congrats!!! What beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby !!

  18. I totally failed to comment earlier - but congratulations. You've got a beautiful baby there.


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