
Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's your guess?

Well, I've made it to 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant.
I've only got 18 days to go.
I really thought I was going to have this baby yesterday...
but that did not happen.

So, here are some recent photos of the baby belly for you!

The top view makes it look much bigger don't you think?

I've been busy crafting, sewing and cleaning.
The nesting bug has hit me hard...and my home thanks me!
Although my house is far from clean many things that
haven't been cleaned in a while are now clean.

I love to make things for my kids.
So I thought it would be great to make some shirts for them to wear.
I'm almost done with them
(still have to do a little sewing on the boys shirts)
and plan to have them done before the baby comes.
Here they are.
I used a little steam-a-seam 2
which is a double sided fusible interfacing.
That stuff is amazing!!!!
Once ironed on it's permanent, but I chose to sew the letters down too,
to add a little more character and stability.

So, here's my question...
will we need THIS combination of shirts...

or THIS combination of shirts?

Let's have a little contest!!! Shall we???
Leave a comment with your guess as to the gender of the baby
and when the baby will make its appearance.

I obviously have two kids already, a girl and a boy.
They were both born a week before their due date.
My actual due date for this baby is October 13th.
I do not know the gender of the baby.

Whoever guesses the closest to the actual birthday
and time of day (approximate) and gender
will get a small prize from me!
And when I say small I mean it, I have something fun,
but it's nothing huge or elaborate...
I will have just had a baby so you gotta cut me some slack!

Oh and whichever onesie we don't end up needing will be in my etsy store later!
Check out my blog for some photos from our maternity session!!
Guess away!!!


  1. I love guessing! I'm going to go with: a girl, born Oct. 3rd, around 7 pm. Yay for new babies!

  2. Fun! I am going to guess a boy, born October 5th, born around 1 pm. Congrats and good luck (to both of us! Ha!).


  3. You are at the worst part! You can't sleep, get comfortable and REALLY want to have this baby. I have 3 so I totally remember! Even though my "baby" is 8 now!

    Little boy, October 9th, dinner time.

    Can't wait to find out!!

  4. October 10th, 11 a.m. and a girl is my guess!

  5. i'm gonna say a girl on october 2nd (my birthday!) at 2 pm. ;)

  6. I'm guessing girl Oct 1st at 6 am

  7. After looking at your tummy again, I'm second guessing myself on the gender lol. Looks like a boy to me!

  8. September 30th, 8 am GIRL! :)

  9. With my 3rd one I was a month late and I thought many times he would come eary. So I will have to say Oct 14th around 3:30 P.M and it will be a boy

  10. Fun! I'm guessing October 6th, 4pm, a little girl :)

  11. Ooh! Fun, fun! I LOVE belly pics!!!

    Boy, 2AM, Sunday, Oct. 2.

  12. So close!! I will say October 9th at 5:13 PM. Baby Boy!

  13. those are so cute! i'm going to say a girl, october 8th, 5:20 am. just like me!

  14. Oct 10, 9am, girl. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Enjoy!

  15. October 1st 12 pm...and its a boy!!:)

  16. I am guessing
    A girl born on October 5th at 12:30 pm.

    Good luck! Have a happy birth:)

  17. i'm guessing a boy on mon, oct. 4th at 8am. best of luck to you!

  18. I say boy! October 5th 6am.

  19. I say it is a girl, she will be born
    Wed. Sept 29th at 4:40 am
    She will weigh 7 lbs 11 oz.

  20. Boy, Oct. 8th at 1 a.m., 8 lbs. 1 oz.

  21. I am guessing October 8th around 5pm. Annnd a girl.

  22. I'll guess Oct 9th (my brothers birthday!) and a boy...sometime after 9 at night!

    Good luck!!

  23. Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. In questo nulla in vi e credo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Sono d'accordo con te.
    Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. L'idea di un buon supporto.

  24. Oct 7th, 3:50am, and a boy!


  25. just for fun my guess is

    10/10/10 at 10:10am -- and it is a BOY!

  26. My guess is September 29 at 4:00 pm and a little girl!

  27. I am going to guess October 13th at 6:03am and it's a little girl...

    I know you're hating the idea of waiting that long; but, October 13 is my birthday; so, it's a special date to me. LOL.

    I am sure it'll be there sooner than this because most babies are born before their due dates. :-)

  28. Hi I just popped in here, the date that came to mind was Oct 5th, boy at 4pm.

  29. So exciting Jamie! I can't wait! Here's my guess...

    I think its a girl and she will be born on October 8th at 6:23 pm. LOL Think that time is good! hee! hee!

    Wish you the best in a easy delivery.


  30. These shirts are adorable! Best of luck over the next few weeks!

  31. My guess is a little boy born on October 7th at 6 am. Best of luck.. either way I hope you have a happy healthy baby! p.s. Aren't surprises great!?~

  32. Just wanted to let you know that I featured your shirts on my blog:


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UPDATE...Sorry I had to update my comments to be approved. Spam is now getting through. :(