
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Planning for Baby: on a personal note

Well my post is better late than never right?
Well, I'm currently 34 weeks and 3 days pregnant...
I'm ready...well sort of.
I've been having contractions lately
and it's got me I really ready for baby #3?

But today my husband and I got me to a place where I feel more ready.
We cleaned and organized the shed. What does that have to do with a baby?
Well, now I know where all the baby clothes are.
They were all sorted and in bins by age and gender
but they were not easy to get to. That's all changed now.
I grabbed all the gender neutral NB and 0-3 months clothes
and a few boy outfits and a few girl outfits
(since we don't know what we're having)
and they are currently in the wash.
That makes me feel a little more ready.

But there's still lots to do.
Here's just a glimpse at my ever growing list...

We need to get a new infant car seat
the one we had was from Naomi and is 4 years old
and only has a three point harness.
I need to pack my hospital bag and one for hubby.
I need to make my "big kid" plan and figure out who
will watch them when I go to the hospital since my mom
probably won't be here till after the baby comes.
I need to get some new BPA-free bottles.
(not too worried about that since I plan on nursing the babe)
There are lots of other little things to do to get ready...
but I'm trying not to think too much about it and just
enjoy my time with the two kiddos who are out in the world already.

I'm super excited to have a photo session (almost) scheduled.
But in the mean time I busted out my tripod and got some photos of the kids and I.

And some of just them...

Now we just need to get this little guy out of the crib...
into a big boy bed sharing a room with sister...
harder than we first thought.
He loves his crib!
Any suggestions?
I'm all ears!

Oh and what else do I need to do before baby #3 comes?
I have serious mommy brain and sometimes forget the simple things!


  1. Buy him some cool sheets or a couple of really cool pillowcases for his new bed and put baby stuff in his crib so he knows it's for baby!

    Get all of your paperwork and stuff caught up before baby comes. Get caught up on tax stuff or if there is any other "busy work" that needs to be done. You won't want to deal with that for a long time after!

  2. Or, if your son really isn't ready...put baby in a pack & play or cradle for a while. Maybe when he sees the baby and realizes the difference, he'll be more willing to give up the crib?

    Can I just ask how old your kids are? And how you decided now was the time to have baby # 3? Has it been hard being pregnant with 2 kids? Can you tell we're thinking about it :)?

  3. Before baby come pedicures so you can have pretty tootsies!

    Your pictures, as always, are amazing!

  4. Debbi - problem is he LOVES being the baby and is a total mamas boy. We may keep him in the crib once baby comes if we can't get him to stay in the big boy bed. Thanks for the paperwork reminder!!!

    Judy - we didn't really "decide" this was the right time...God did. Naomi will be 4 on Oct 1 and Micah will be 2.5 on Oct 2. I guess somewhere along the way we just knew we wanted more kids so we stopped trying to stop the possibility and just let God take over. Hope that answers your question!

    Bipolar Diva - I have a gift cert for a mani, pedi and facial that I plan to use in a couple of weeks!! And thanks for your kind words about my photos!

  5. We took the side off the convertable crib for my oldest when it was time to get him into the big boy bed and it was a NIGHTMARE! (don't be afraid the story gets better!) We took him the next day to buy his own big boy bed (he was about the same age as your son is :) and then let him be a part of putting it together and making the bed. When it was time for sleep i did everything the same and didn't make any mention of the change and it seemed to work well for us! He did amazing the first night and has been great since then (it's been a year :) Good luck! I do like the idea of using a bassinet also for a while even if the transition goes smoothly, give him some time to adjust so he doesn't think the new baby "stole" his crib... again Good Luck!

  6. If your not going to use the crib for the baby for a while, take it down and let your son help getting his big boy bed ready. My girls all got out of the crib when they were about 15 months (to make room for their new baby). Some have done better than others. Every kid is different. My second hated the toddler bed, but took over her big sister's twin. Just have patience. I find it helps to pray...a lot! Let your son pray for comort making it through the night in his new big bed. This worked with my third.


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UPDATE...Sorry I had to update my comments to be approved. Spam is now getting through. :(