
Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Incomplete Education

First of all, I want to say THANK YOU!
Thank you for all your kind comments
and encouraging words on my post last week.
Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone.

So, I've been working on some projects...
but I'm not quite ready to share.
But I wanted to share something else that's been going on
and ask your opinion as well!!!

I have figured out that my high school and even parts of
my college education were lacking.
Now, maybe it's because I have a TERRIBLE memory,
but I know it's also because there were huge gaps in my education.
Particularly in the English department.
I have NEVER once learned how to diagram a sentence,
not that I really care now,
but isn't that funny.?! sad?!
We didn't read the CLASSICS in any of my English classes.
Okay, we read Shakespeare...but as far as I can remember
we really didn't read CLASSICS.

What is a classic, well, I'm not really sure.
But I just know I missed a lot of great books!
When people start talking books I tend to glaze over,
and hope the floor opens up and swallows me whole.
I can't contribute...most often it's "oh I never read that book".
So, I'm on a quest to change that.

I want to be more well rounded, more well read.
So, I enlisted the help of my friend, Lydia, the English teacher.
Her den library is amazing. 8 floor to ceiling book cases FULL!
Full of classics, modern stories, children's books, Biblical books,
anything you could really want to read!

So, she let me borrow a bunch of books and told me
to come get more when I was ready.
So, what did I pick out?
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Animal Farm by George Orwell
1984 by George Orwell
You Come Too by Robert Frost
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

I'm in the process of reading
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
I know that's a LOT of books but it's where I wanted to start.

A really great book she let me borrow is called,
An Incomplete Education by Judy Jones and William Wilson.
It's a huge book but has some great parts about great/famous authors
and what you should know about them,
what you should have learned about them in high school
and what you should have read of theirs in high school and college.

I've obviously got a lot of reading to do,
but I'm looking forward to being more
well rounded (not just my belly)
and well read!
Did you have to read any of those in high school?
What do you recommend?
What are you favorite classics?

Oh and just a little plug,
I've still got some great giveaways going on over at my blog
for Random Acts of Kindness week!!!


  1. Girl, I still can't diagram a sentence either and on most days my spelling is rather lacking too! I don't know if it's the just turned "50" thing, but I stumble on easy words like "it!?" ;) Going brain dead for the better part of a hour and have to ask my 15 year old how to spell something! I just love getting that "have you lost your mind Mama?" Why Yes, dear I have ...about "15" years ago! ;)
    I don't remember reading any of the books you mentioned above either and I know I was lacking in my Education too! Loved the read and good luck with the books!

  2. Those are all great- I am an avid reader as well-

    I would add Herman Hesse to the list- amazing.

    This is a link to my library/book redo if you are interested in taking a look at my/our (mostly my) book collection:

    I would love to see your friends den/libary room- do you think she would share?
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I love the Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men. I think I read them both in highschool. The movies are great too. I learned to diagram a sentence, but I can't remember how. In the 7th grade my English teacher taught us how to remember all the prepositions. I can still recite them all. Never use it but I can do it if I need to.... at, by, in, on, near, to, from, etc. Funny the things we remember and the things we forget.

  4. I LOVE Anne of Green Gables and Little Women. Those are the classics in my book. (pun intended!)

  5. i think it's great that you want to read more to feel more well rounded.great goal. i have to admit that alot of these books i haven't read and should consider doing the same thing. have a good day

  6. I felt the same way about wanting to read more classic novels and I actually just posted my list of 101 things I wanted to do in a 1001 days and I listed a few of the books that you have on your list to read!


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