
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hot Fudge Pudding Cake

The other day, Greg and I were trying to figure out
what to do for fun with the kids.
It was hot outside (again) and he didn't feel like going anywhere,
and I wanted to go shopping (which I want to do all the time).
Instead of spending money we don't have,
or baking ourselves to a crisp
we decided to do some family baking!
It was a blast!
Totally fun!
And we made the most delicious
makes you want to eat all of it,

There are no eggs in the recipe so we let them lick the spoon!

Of course big sister couldn't be outdone by little brother.

So yummy, gooey, delicious! You HAVE to try it!

Oh and here's the recipe.
Let me know if you can't read it and I'll type it out.
I'm lazy, sorry!

Do me a favor too, would you?
Stop by my blog next week.
(starting tomorrow July 4th)
I'm hosting a week and a half
of guest posts and giveaways.
It's Random Acts of Kindness week.

I've love it if you'd join me!
Feel free to grab a button and spread the kindness!!!

Random Acts of Kindness


  1. Oh lovely.. The pudding cake looks yummmmmm.. I'm going to try this with my girls as well.. Loved your blog.. so am following... and will be here to see more!! :-)

  2. I thnk I'm going to make this when I get done with my Reader! I love this stuff, it looks easy to make, and we need something sweet in this house! Thanks for the recipe!

    xo Erin

  3. Don't kids love to cook with mom and dad? What a fun project!!!


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