
Thursday, May 20, 2010

♥On a Personal Note ♥

~ Fun in the yard ~

I thought you might like to see some cute pictures today. Hubby was working on the boat, I was mowing the lawn and decided to take a little break. We have 1 acre of grass and it takes me 2 1/2 hours on a riding lawn mower. I was hot and tired. So anyway, I walk over and see the kids digging under the "unfinished" covered porch. 

What could they be up to.....
Do you see our little friend there, just to the right! Uh huh! They found a little frog and decided to make him a home. So they started digging, building and decorating. This little project lasted the whole time I was mowing. They were determined to make it perfect. It had little nooks and and island with flowers. So cute.

Just look how proud they are.... uh hem, & dirty! LOL
I didn't fix their hair that day. Why would I? LOL Playing in the dirt and mud is the best thing about being a kid! Right? Yeah, speaking of dirt, let me show you a couple pictures of mud and water from another day a few years back when we first moved here and had no grass. They grow so fast. Boo! Hoo!
Sorry about the water on the lens, but it's still a cute picture. This picture was taken about a year into living here. Aren't they cute?
It's funny, my kids are lil posers. I have them trained well. I rarely get a candid shot or silly face unless I ask them to do it. That is why I love this picture below!
Just look at how fun a sprinkler and some dirt can be! My lil one sure is surprised by something. I just love looking back at these. These next two, I just had to share because they are so cute. The mud in the face and those chubby legs. Gotta love it!
The older kids got a little carried away throwing dirt and poor Cass got in the way. She was not very happy. But she just looks so adorable. She was also mad a mommy for taking pictures and not helping her. I said one picture first. LOL
Look at those chubby lil legs. Don't you just want to pinch them? I miss my chunky monkeys. Babies grow up so fast. And I just love that lip. She is done in this water. Poor baby wants out! 

Anyhoo, I just wanted to share some fun, muddy moments from the Johnston household. Kids being kids! So fun!

What fun muddy moments have you captured? 


  1. I want to eat her up!! Those legs are to die for.... Scrumptious!!

  2. LOL! I think so too! She was such a cute chunky monkey!!

  3. Oh I love those baby legs!! The pictures are wonderful! I don't think I have any muddy fun pix. I'll go look through the hard drive though! :)


  4. You're an awesome mom for letting them play in the mud! Stopping by from New Friend Friday but I'm already a follower...just thought I'd say hi!

  5. Oh my! Those pictures are priceless.! :)

  6. Hi! I'm visiting from Blog Hop Friday. Great blog! I'm your newest follower.


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